

目前顯示的是 6月, 2011的文章


文章轉載自網路 Success and Failure of e-commerce E-commerce has evolved since the late 1990s. Companies and individuals have been using e-commerce to do business; furthermore, it allows people to do shopping online. Many have succeeded, and many have failed as well. Let us now look at the reasons for the success and failure. 10 reasons for successful e-commerce   EC 十大勝算 1)Target the Un-Targeted 找到競爭者沒看到的客戶需求。 Know your customers thoroughly Target needs that are unseen by your competitors. 2)Strong Business Planning  強而有力的業務計畫:掌握收入來源與策略細節。搞定想達到的目標。一步一步前進。 Know your source of revenue, break-even and the strategic details Decide on the future goals that you want to achieve 3)Business Friendly Ecommerce Software  有簡單好用的軟體。 Choose software that is easy to manage and allows you to focus on core business activities 4) Create a Web Store with a Difference  品牌的建立非常重要。創造有吸引力的區塊名,建立不一樣的網路商店。 Branding is important for the success of your online business Attractive domain name can play an important r